Open Play:
$12 for ages 1-8, and a maximum of 2 adults are included free per family.
$6 for ages under 1 if coming to play without siblings
Children younger than one and 9+ are free with a PAYING sibling.
If you are bringing a child under one or 9+ to play without paying siblings, you will need to purchase a ticket for them.
Open Play Hours :
(open play means drop in play… no reservations required!)
Monday: closed (available for private daycare/ school field trips. Please email us for more details!)
Tuesday: closed (available for private daycare/ school field trips. Please email us for more details!)
Wednesday: 10-4
Thursday: 10-4
Friday: 10-4
Saturday: 10-3
Sunday: closed (private birthday parties only)
What You Need to Know Before You Book:
NO SHOES ALLOWED AND GRIP SOCKS REQUIRED FOR CHILDREN!! Both adults and children will need socks to enter the play space. This is to to increase the cleanliness of our space, and the grip socks are a safety precaution to prevent slipping and injury on our new play structure. Please remember to bring grip socks for each child playing. We will have grip socks and adult socks available for purchase for $2 in the event you forget yours.
WAIVERS: Each family is required to complete a waiver. (multiple children can be included on one waiver) This can be filled out prior to your arrival on our website (under the waiver tab) or filled out once you get there.
Hand sanitizer will be encouraged upon entry, and we encourage frequent hand washing and sanitizer throughout your session. We will have hand sanitizer placed throughout the play space for your convenience.
No outside food or snacks are not allowed, but we do have pre-packaged snacks available for purchase. You are more than welcome to bring an outside drink/coffee, however they must only be consumed at the front tables.
No birthday celebrations, gift exchanging, no cake, cupcakes, or any other party items are allowed during open play. For birthday party reservations, please refer to our private party package options.